Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Just removed a lot of labels from the older posts. The Blogumus cloud was a lil too crammed. Its still quite packed, but the difference is evident.

Creating a new blog now. The Wunderkind Spawn. Will write about PC tweaks, tips, and tricks. Alliteration again.

Why can’t I find one decent template for the blog? All of them have crap hollow spaces. Might as well stick to the default blogger templates. For now.

[2 hours later…]

Finally got a not-so-cool-but-will-do-for-now theme for the other blog. Frig. I guess it’s a common thing for people who live with computing. Edit, code, program for hours and in the end, all you get is a teeny link somewhere. That was just an example, not experience. There’s no teeny link on the homepage, anyway.

Amitav’s smiling in his sleep. Dumbfrig is thinking about his fat crush.

2 arguments:

Unknown said...

smiling eh??looks lik ill have ta hide my face next tym :)

F.L.E.A.™ said...

Will that make any difference? Heh.

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