Musings... (continued)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Do I put those three dots after (continued) or before it?? Hmmm...

There was no connectivity today. I mean the entire day. The previous post was posted 5 minutes back, trust me. Google gives its users a certain degree of freedom, which I happened to exploit in this case.

I'm actually getting good at CS these days. I mean good, as in GOOD!!

Wrote a song today. Been a really long time since the last one. And unlike all the older ones that were actually for a person, this one is not for a person. Take note of the carefully placed italics, heh.

Anyone got problems with google chrome? It suddenly won't open??

Not my problem.

My eyes are burning. Movie and shutdown.


Btw, song of the day: In pieces, by LINKIN PARK, the coolest friggin dudes on this friggin planet.

That auto-corrects to the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!

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