Musings in the sun...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Today was Daddy's birthday. Thought I'd call up at 12, but then decided to call later in the morning, after putting some extra top-up so I could speak for longer.

Removed all my facial hair this morning. Well, most of it. I left a little goatee for no specific reason. Btw, goats have goatees. Is that why they're called goatees? Wikipedia calls.

I remember this one guy who came to Amitav's room once. I was just browsing thru stuff, Amitav was watching Naruto, and that guy comes in and says, "Oh, mungah! Arre, sahi mungah hai yaar," and blah blah... ain't gonna write EVERYTHING he said. Anyways, the main subject of his one-sided conversation happened to be 'mungah!' whatever that meant. I didn’t wanna prove to Amitav that my Hindi vocab was poor (again), so I didn’t ask him what it meant.

10 minutes later, it struck me that he was talking about manga.


The guy is one of our classmates apparently, but I doubt that. I never see him in class. Not even when I attend it.

And the guy who normally recharges my Airtel account wasn't there, so I could only speak to Daddy for like 4 minutes, I guess. The US of A is on the opposite end of the earth, and IT ONLY COSTS INR2 TO CALL THERE?! UAE's not half the distance away, and SHIT!!

I was talking with an old friend of mine the other day, and she asked me why I write a blog.

Anyone know the answer to that?

VIT’s actually experimenting with A.C. electricity. The power’s been going on and off every 5 minutes for the last probably half-hour. I could bet a thousand bucks it’s going to go out in 2-3 minutes again.

And my EX-girlfriend sent me a message saying she read what I wrote about her sometime back. Like I couldn’t make that out from her lame Orkut stat message. And I’m pretty sure she’s reading this now.

Because, a spinoff from a Clouseau-dialogue, it is a big deal to be talked about on the internet.

Heh, but Steve Martin was just too good in that movie. LMFAO-ed throughout the 1-half hour. Nice one, dude.

I bought some sandwich spread from Allmart this afternoon, but no bread. No problemos. I had a spoon, and some famished taste-buds. By the time I finally got the strength to put it away, it was half-full. I’m an optimist:)

Just found a CS pub. Ciao.

Toldya the power wud go off. Wish "you" were real, so I'd be richer by a thousand bucks now.

And I’m trying to put less tags for posts, so that my Blogumus-cloud looks less crammed.


P.S. Add to crush-list: Nariko.

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