
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Slept early yesterday. Woke up at 2pm, though. Thats more than 12 hours of 40 winks, almost 13.

Had plans to go buy my course text-books (some of them, atleast), dump my dirty at the laundry, and get a few dvds on the way back. Nuthin happened.

Played CS. Blizzard was there. Ramji was there.

That reminds me... was playing CS last night and Rusher was there. Ramji, Blizzard, unknown-3rd-guy, and me were CTs, and 5 guys on T (including Rusher). We did good teamwork. And that's a firt-time for me as CT. Kept raping them again and again. Badly. Funny thing was, all of Rusher's deaths were taken by me, the noobiest on the server. My guys (CTs) were actually egging me on. They kept saying stuff like, 'Rusher, why playin like a noob?', and 'humiliation!!'(heh), and stuff. So I bounced along.

Innocent :)

Rusher had the highest score, though. The few times Rusher did get me, I shot off stuff like, 'phone number flashed, got shot.' His name looks like a phone number, heh. Summin like '1624699', or summin like that.

Harsh finally came online today. I mean at the same time I went online. Amitav called up. He talked. And he's the one that says, '@$$fu%!inhole dat was 33 min 47 sec!' I never told him to spend his fone-buck this way. And he actually wasted an extra buck by sending me that message.

And he did not censor his message. That's me. "In the interests of the minor public blah blah."

Song of the day: Whatever you like, by T.I.

Mreen wants me to teach him to play the guitar. How many times have I heard that one before?

That @$$fu%!inhole doesn't play the drums. Yet. Frig him!!
Nexus Digital Ventriloquism Morbid Alibi Chimera does not currently exist because of the lack of his skills.

When did we become Chimera again?

I think its time The Wunderkind Spawn went back on. Wait and see.

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