My phone's plastic cover is totally crack!!! Wordplay.
Not much to write today. Attended 3 classes, skipped the other 2. Played CS. Pranav (unfortunately) registered my name for the NFS competition. I'm sure I'm gonna get my ass whooped by some uber-noob. I'm totally in the Undercover mode right now, but these outdated VIT guys have been using Most Wanted since there was light probably.
Aditya Sharan (the guy who thinks he can play DOTA/guitar well) asked me if I ever eat. Must've seen my lean friggin frame. Agreed, I'm thin, but HELL, just because he's got flab (GROSS!!), doesn't mean everyone else should. Hit the gym, dude. Fat is cool. Fat-wannabe-thin is DEFINITELY NOT COOL.
Pubs. They mean an entirely different thing to us gamers. Sure, we meet new people, give a few bounces, but hell, there's no drinks. Not unless you were a cannibal. And CS, whoa, don't even talk about pubs.
Oki, for those of you aliens who still don't know what a gaming pub is...well, can't find the words to describe it.
Right, its short for a "Public" server, where random people can jump in and play.
w/e. Look around. There's a lot that you haven't even heard of.
Got a lotta shit comin up. The next four days are gonna be a heck of a ride.
Hope I survive.
Prayers and pray.
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Archivio Andymano
- Yesterday's entry today, cuz i dropped on the bed ...
- Shadows tend to mislead. Follow the light.
- ZZz........
- 26 January 2009, 3:57pm.
- lolz. dunno wats gotten into me.
- The Following, I definitely did NOT write by myself.
- whats wrong with my time settings???
- ...and they say the world is ending.
- Had a big surprise for our class today. Amitav, Ha...
- put these words down on the 8th of januray, 2009. ...
- Debut in VIT...
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