26 January 2009, 3:57pm.

Monday, January 26, 2009
That’s the password for the Wi-Fi connection Savio created for DOTA last evening. Didn’t play though. Was too “depressed” cuz my fone was stuck in Harsh’s room. I don’t play much DOTA anyway. I just know to use two heroes*, Luna Moonfang and Razor. Plus, I use the same inventory on them everytime I play. For Razor, I put Power Treads, Sange & Yasha, and Butterfly. If I survive that far. For Luna, it’s Power Treads, Helm of the Dominator, a couple of Bracers, and Butterfly. Love her Lucent beam, though. Friggin** cool.
DOTA players who read this, apologies for sounding like such a dork. Now where’s the Carrera GT gone?
Went to bed early. Real early, as in 8:00am. Don’t ask me what I was doing till then. South Park is a lil too good to put off till you’re sleepy. Just woke up and hour ago. Had a shower. First one in 3 days. Ouch.
And I (FINALLY!!) came to know why today’s a holiday. Its Republic Day.
Like I care.
Dy asked me to look online for an mp3 player she wanted. Was supposed to do it last night, but then again, no time***. And my laptop’s Bluetooth suddenly ceased to work. Does that sound scholarly?? Lmao.
A restart didn’t help either. Guess I gotta forget my Bluetooth for now. Can’t wait for this summer though. I'm gonna get the ultimate Entertainment Powerhouse. I snicked that phrase from the HP website.
And my new Counter-Strike clan is finally done. Since each one of us had a problem with the cool names****, we finally decided to call ourselves something random*****, and came up with ‘Clouseau******.’
Was playing CS last night. Found lots of pub servers on the VIT wlan network. Changed my name to ‘Sneha’ and jumped into one. Awesome! Shuda seen the way all the guys suddenly decided to be my personal bodyguards. What is with them?? Why all the hype? So what if a friggin1 girl plays CS?! And there was this one guy in the terrorists (I was CT), ‘Punisher’, who kept hesitating everytime he shot at me. I used that to my advantage and BLAM! Poor idiot. Experience should’ve taught him, but no, he HAD to come find me, HAD to think twice, HAD to get shot in the head again. When the guys turned a lil too crazy over the “girl” in their server, I decided to play along, and left the game. Heh. Had a pretty decent laugh then. Joined another server with the same name. Two guys from the previous server followed. It was a “girl” playing CS, dude!!!
Still can’t figure out how to change the favicon for my blogger account. I could just google it up, but hell, what are my programming skills for? And the guys here don’t have a clue as to how my ‘essentials’ folder opens whenever I double-click at the bottom right part of the screen. Not a big deal. Changed the icon to that transparent one (wonder why Windows put that icon in the .dll file though), renamed it to that blank character (alt + numpad255), and voila! But there’s a down too. Everytime you click on the “invisible” folder, the blank space for the name gets highlighted. Still working on how to get rid of that too.
Downloaded a few comic fonts. Editing some old pics, comic style.

I did NOT sit down and think about the dialog for hours. 2 seconds, yep. I just wanted to type something, just to check out the font. Wanted to put the pictures here, but my "fast" wireless usb modem just won't let me.

Lolz. Dun worry. I’m not gay. But I dun have a girlfriend either. So where does that put me? And yes, I do NOT HAVE a girlfriend. That goes to everyone who reads this, or don’t.
Get a life.
And Ajita just smsed me saying she read about Amitav’s big fat crush. He’s gonna kill me if he finds out
Got a CS pub server to wreck now.
Stay with the Carrera.

*very well, actually. My sarcasm is hard to notice thru a pixellated screen, though.
**Word replaced in the interests of the minor public. Well, actually, interests of the major public for the minor.
***Euphemism. See previous post.
****each one against one of the names, not all of us against all the names!
*****I still think random meant something none of us agreed with.
******I don’t care about friggin1 lawsuits anymore.

2 arguments:

Unknown said...

btw...i met agrim on da way back till chennai...hes part of dat cs clan we were gonna challenge dat nite.."Punisher"'s clan dat is ;) Da topic 'abut' girls gaming came up n he went on to tell us in livid detail abut da girl called "Sneha" who plays cs!!ROTFLMAO!!he was givin me a weird look cuz of da way i was trying not to LOL..dats 2 fallen fr da trap ;)

F.L.E.A.™ said...

frig dude! so does he know sneha's not a girl den??

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