lolz. dunno wats gotten into me.

Sunday, January 25, 2009
All that* was actually stuff I was gonna write over the week, but couldn't find the time for it**. It's all twitter style now. Lil smses.

Sigh...wish life was like the movies. If only i could get a few small wishes granted...
Hopefully, He*** is reading this now. So here's the top-10 version of how I want life to be:
1. Milder rain.
2. Stronger vodka.
3. Lesser software bugs.
4. Cheap fuel.
5. Free superbikes...only for me.
6. Unlimited noodles. Desi-style:P
7. 1 small room. Approx 300 sq. ft.
8. A clock that permanently reads 2.25am and is not faulty.
9. Free upgrades****.
10. No girlfriends. For now. Commitment goes hand-in-hand Restrictions.

Its not something I pondered over the entire evening or something. Yeah, like 2 minutes ago.

There's a holiday tomorrow, apparently. Dunno why. I remember asking someone about it. Forgot what (s)he told me.

Arite then. Gotta check online for a new mp3 player that my sister wanted. She doesn't know $#!+(*****) when it comes to hardware.

P.S. I see it coming. The only reason I'm going to be simple in the future sometime is because right now, I have choices. And I choose to be simple.

Ciao. Dont let em pawn ya.

*The last post.

**Laziness demands euphemism.

***Subject varies according to reader.

****for anything. And i mean anything.

*****COOL!! Never tried that one before.

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